Who I am?
My name Joseph C., founder of Rpc Technology, software engineer, Forex/Stocks/Crypto programmer/trader, and blogger with more than 22 years of experience in domain of Information technology and programming, in this article I will give my mission, also my own experience with being my own boss and working from home. I will not give you just words, I will give my own life experience.

First let us begin saying that having own business is not that easy and is very dangerous and risky. Imagine you leave your daily stable job and decide to trigger your own business.
Maybe because your boss at work is not that nice man, maybe your colleagues are not lovely people, there is hundred causes that make you think to quit your job.
What I faced?
During my career that began in 1999 till today, I worked in different companies, software engineering companies, private and public sectors, I also worked for 8 years in United Nations as Software engineer, I worked with everything with all sort of computing languages and all sort of applications, I can say that during these 21 years I did not find peace for a single day in any of these jobs.
All the time there was something; All the time there was conflicts, problems, horrible boss or gossiping colleagues or not friendly environment or friendly disrespect, what I mean by friendly disrespect is when your boss hurts you or disrespect you with his words but in a smart nice way. But despite all of that, I stayed and struggled and supported all kind of stress and all types of disrespect for 21 years.
I also experienced frauds; many times, it happened I finished projects for many working months as a freelancer for a certain employer, but eventually he did not pay me. I lost Thousands of dollars, I lost time, my valuable time, my career cost me a lot, it cost me my time as I said, I stayed till age of 40 before I got married.
I did not have the time for love or romance or dating, all the time I was busy, all the time trying to find technical solutions, and this made me a very timid person, not sociable, sitting hours and hours in front of my computer working, programming and researching.
Until one day I said it is enough … enough. I look at my life I saw myself getting older, without partner without wife without friends, and all of that for what, for nothing, for a career that I gave everything but in return did not give me anything.
What I learned
So, one day, I get up from my bed, I brushed my teeth and look in mirror and I saw middle aged man, worked hard, but his life is getting more and more empty, so I took a decision.
I said to myself I must change, or I will be stuck forever, if I do not change now, I will be stuck forever in an endless empty cycle. So, I told to my wife, pack our things we are moving. My wife is Cypriot, and we were living in Lebanon. At the beginning, the word moving was very strange for her, she could not believe that, she knows me very well. she knows that it is impossible I leave my country, my lovely village, my jobs, at that time I was working 2 jobs and my salary was very high, and she knows how I calculate every decision and measure every step, and to take a high loosing risk and go to Larnaka Cyprus where the economic situation is bad and high rate of jobless, for her it was very hard to believe that.
But I wanted to take that risk, because the greater the risk the bigger gain, finally, we moved, and I began in Cyprus from zero, the first 6 months it was hell for me, we were living with her mother, I could not find at the beginning what I was searching for. But my wife supported me and encouraged me to have patience.
work opportunities
I had many opportunities to work with big companies even international companies. But I said no, I had a plan, I wanted to be my own boss, I had enough bosses in my life.
my plan was very simple, work from home, whatever the salary whatever the income I just wanted to get rid of all negative energy and begin my new life with a new career strategy.
And I began searching companies that allow working from home, until one day a company saw my CV and made interview with me, and they hired me as full-time employee from home, and believe me it is the best experience of my life, these people I never saw them live, it is an international company, all the communication is via Microsoft Teams, everyday half hour in the morning we sync our tasks and projects. And believe me when I say it is the best experience of my life, I am working more than 13 hours a day, but I am happy, I know my tasks and I deliver them on time, I can say it is the best period of my career.
My new mission
Rpc Technology mission is to help other people, even they are young or old, to find their career path as I did, I will give all my experience, my guidance to lead their steps to find what they really like and how they can implement it practically in order to build an independent and stress free career. Visit my Quora profile where you can ask whatever you want as thousands of people are asking me and I am replying directly. Visit Coding category where you can find the different programming posts that will give you big technical help, also you can visit Trading category where you can find the different trading posts that will help you with your trading strategically and programmatically.
My conclusion is stop doing what you must do and begin doing what you love to do, life is extremely short, we may die tomorrow with cancer or car accident or heart attack. live today to the maximum, enjoy your time with your beloved people, build your independent happy career, take advantage of every second and do not let your work or career steal your time because it is not worthy.